Wine Documentary

Priorat, Dreaming of Wine

Priorat, a region of Catalonia known for its vineyards, was about to disappear from the map of the best wines in the world. This documentary shows the miraculous rebirth of this wine community.

Runtime : 68 mins
Released : 2016

Priorat Film Synopsis:
Priorat. A region boasting 150 wineries, high-end wines on worldwide top ten lists and at fancy restaurants across the globe. But just 30 years ago, it had just 4 wineries and they were producing table wine. This is the story of The Magnificent Five and the people of Priorat. How together, they turned a declining area into one of the most vibrant wine producing regions in Spain and the world, and found a future in their wine.

A handful of pioneers arrived in the Priorat region of Spain in the early 1980s. The people of the region suspected the intentions of this bunch of hippies, but the Magnificent Five were able to bring to the table talent and perseverance while local people brought the  hard work and tenacity that maintained the vineyards despite historical decline in the region.

Watch the Trailer:


The Filmmaker: David Fernández de Castro

René Barbier
Christopher Cannan
Daphne Glorian
Miquel Hudin
Thomas Mathews
Álvaro Palacios
Carles Pastrana
Josep Lluís Pérez



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