Pretty Problems
Wine movie comedy… A wine country getaway turns into an unhinged weekend.
Runtime : 103 mins
Released : 2022
Pretty Problems Film Synopsis:
A couple on the rocks are pulled along by absurdly wealthy strangers for a wine country getaway that turns into the most unhinged weekend of their lives.
Low cash flow + Plan B jobs + a Snooze Alarm Sex Life: Jack and Lindsey Simpson are officially stuck. But when they get invited to a Sonoma Chateau by affluent strangers, they end up on the most unhinged weekend of their lives.
With the « haves », anything goes — including their bearings on reality.
Can their relationship survive this new wild west of wealth?
Do they even want it to? Smash a glass, take the ride.
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Directed by Kestrin Pantera
Written by Michael Tennant
Britt Rentschler
Michael Tennant
J.J. Nolan
Charlotte Ubben
Graham Outerbridge
Alex Klein
Clayton Froning
Katarina Hughes
Vanessa Chester
Amy Maghera