Wine Documentary

Pinot Noir: The Holy Grail of Wine

This Wine documentary is a true story of adversity, struggle and love between the toughest grape- Pinot Noir, and people whose passion for Pinot Noir would stop at nothing in pursuit of her beauty.

Runtime : 46 mins
Released : 2012

Pinot Noir: The Holy Grail of Wine Synopsis: 

The film is based around the story of John Saemann, an inexperienced wannabe vintner, who, taunted by his addiction to Pinot Noir’s mysterious allure, is drawn to the magic of Sonoma Mountain, where he pursues his own vision of the Holy Grail of wine.

What John is unaware of is that he is about to encounter years of trials and tribulations in the vineyard and in the winery. He takes the challenge of centuries as many have to try the impossible and invests his soul and passion hoping his vineyard can leave a legacy in the world of fine Pinot Noir.

Watch the Film:

Film Director: Will Harper

John Saemann
Scott Schuette
Steve Morfy
Marc Goldberg
Ana Keller
Keith Kunde
Lalita & Rick Waterman


Learn more about Pinot Noir by watching Women of Pinot

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