The Ways of the Wine – El Camino del Vino
A world-famous sommelier loses his palate in the middle of a wine festival. Charlie Arturaola, tries to restore his sense of smell by finding the best wine in the region.
Runtime: 95 mins
Released: 2010
The famous sommelier Charlie Arturaola arrives to the Mendoza, Argentina, to take part in the glamorous event « Masters of Food and Wine », after having « traveled the world on a wine bottle », as he usually says.
Once in the event and before the his tasting, between glamour, stress and marketing something unusual happens: he loses his palate. Charlie needs to recover it. In the search of a solution for his problem, he has decisive encounters with the most important people of the wine world, like Michel Rolland, who thinks that he has to « wash » his palate with the best wines of the region.
Charlie starts a journey from huge wineries through small vineyards and wine harvest’s processions getting closer with the people of the villages who work the vine.
Realizing the failure of the advice, his journey becomes a return, getting away from that glamorous world where he thinks he belongs to. It turns into a new journey towards his essence, his loved ones, his pains and real ghosts.
« The ways of the wine » oscillates with cruelty between comedy and the true drama of a man who got lost because of his desire of belonging to a world, other than it’s own.
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Directors: Nicolás Carreras
Pandora Anwyl
Charlie Arturaola
Susana Balbo
Marina Beltrame
Raúl Bianchi
Aldo Biondolillo
Jean Bousquet
Agustina de Alba
Donato de Santis
Michael Halstrick
Paul Christopher Hobbs
Andreas Larsson
Alex Macipe
Patricia Ortíz
Jorge Riccitelli
Michel Rolland
Learn more about Charlie Arturaola