Wine Documentary

Wine Roads. Along the cycling paths of South Tyrol

A group of friends’ vacation along the bike paths of South Tyrol becomes an opportunity to tell the stories of a land, culture, and main characters by way of its wines.

Runtime : 60 mins
Released : 2021

Film Synopsis:

In the era of slow tourism and proximity, « Wine Roads » is a journey into the most bike-friendly region of Italy: almost 500 kilometers of cycle paths, the dream of every cyclist.

After his « Barolo Boys« , film director Paolo Casalis returns to the world of wine.  The documentary follows the trip of four bike tourists from the Veneto region: Marco, cyclist and artist, his friends Lidia and Carmelo (a young couple), and Adrian.

A journey through South Tyrol full of many kilometres on the bicycle, visits to wineries, meetings with over 20 wine producers, cheers and tastings.

Biodynamic and resistant vineyards, international grapes and autoctone varieties, tradition and innovation. If it is true that the world of wine can take a wide variety of different paths, even the less traveled or ones that others will only take in the future, here they are really trying it all with courage, determination and great results.

Whether we like it or not.

Watch the Trailer:


The Filmmaker: Paolo Casalis

Realizzato per conto di/ Commisioned by Centro Audiovisivi della Provincia autonoma di Bolzano
Con il supporto di/ Supported by RAI Alto Adige
Associazione Strada del Vino, Cantine Valle Isarco, Hotel Post Brunico, DUVINE, Hotel Terzer Cortaccia
Con il patrocinio di/Under the patronage of Slow Wine

With, in order of appearance

On a bike: Adrian Tudose, Lidia Dalla Libera, Marco Dal Bo, Carmelo Messina

In a vineyard or Winery:

Roland Lazzari – Mayor of Salorno / Manfred Vescoli – President Alto Adige Wine Road / Christof Tiefenbrunner – Castel Turmhof / Alois Lageder – Lageder Winery / Alois Ochsenreiter – Haderburg Winery / Sigrid Pichler – Tramin Winery / Johanna Frei – Wine Museum, Caldaro / Ing. Egon Kelderer – Dell’Agnolo Kelderer Architects / Andreas Kofler – Kurtatsch Winery / Gottfried Pollinger – Nals Margreid Winery / Martin Aurich – Unterortl Winery, Castelbello Padre Peter Perkmann – Marienberg Abbey Hilde Van Den Dries – Calvenschlössl / Ludwig Schöpf – Ass. Culturale Oculus / Stephan Filippi – Oenologist Cantina Bolzano / Marialuise Flor – Wine Museum, Caldaro Hannes Munter – Oenologist Cantina Valle Isarco / Armin Gratl – General Manager Cantina Valle Isarco / Brigitte Pliger – Kuenhof Winery / Simon Terzer – Archivist, Abbay of Novacella / Katharina Huber – Pacherhof Winery / Werner Waldboth – Sales Manager, Cantina Abbazia di Novacella Willi Santer – Santerhof Winery

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